Do more with Bright Data Target

Datastreamer lets you connect Bright Data Target with thousands of the most popular capabilities, so you can accelerate working with web data and focus on your product – no code required.

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Accelerate working with web data


Working with web data is resource-intensive, slow, and distracting from your product. Companies using Datastreamer are able to accelerate how they work with web data, by using Pipelines to power their workflows.

Pipelines created in the Datastreamer platform simplify how you work with web data, making it faster to ingest, enrich, and deliver insights. Remove complexity from your web data workflows, reduce distractions from your products, and scale effortlessly.

About Bright Data Target


Collect and extract product listings on Target's eCommerce site using keywords. Returns matching product listings that include the pricing, title, description, rating, images, specifications, reviews, and more.

Experience Seamless Data Integration Yourself

Add Datastreamer components to your data stack and explore its full capabilities

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