Do more with Open Measures Minds

Datastreamer lets you connect Open Measures Minds with thousands of the most popular capabilities, so you can accelerate working with web data and focus on your product – no code required.

Google GeminiAI PromptsElasticsearchElasticsearchOpen Measures GettrThe Social Proxy Sports DatasetsBright Data WikipediaOcient Data WarehouseSocialgist WeiboWebz Web ArchivesDatabricksAnyBigData Web ScrapingPrivate AI PII RedactionOpen Measures Scored (Win Communities)The Social Proxy Maps DatasetsVetric X(Twitter)Ocient Data WarehousealphaMountain URL Threat RatingDatastreamer Product Brand DetectionDatastreamer User Behaviour ClassifierDNS Records (abusive domains)Bright Data Github CodeBright Data Amazon ReviewsBright Data Web ScrapingBright Data X(Twitter)Datastreamer Significant Term AggregationBright Data WalmartVital4 Politically Exposed PersonsBright Data PinterestBright Data TrustRadiusReddit CommentsSocialgist DisqusOpoint NewsBright Data Apple App StoreBright Data TikTokDatastreamer Location Inference EnrichmentWebz Data BreachesZyte Web ScrapingDatastreamer HTML Document PrunerTisane Problematic Content DetectionDarkOwl DarkSonar APIPrivateAI PII DetectionDatastreamer Ingredient Detection ClassifierOpen Measures OdnoklassnikiTwingly DarkwebScrapingBee Web ScrapingDatastreamer Spam Detection ClassifierVetric LinkedInDatastreamer Slang TranslationWebhookVetric Meta Ad DetailsDatastreamer Dominant Location ClassifierDatastreamer Emotion Detection ClassifierWebz BlogsBigQueryGoogle TranslateOpen Measures BlueskyDatastreamer Intent ClassifierChatGPT SummarizationSocialgist ReviewsOpen Measures WimkinBlueskySocialgist NewsOpen Measures 8kunGoogle Analytics HubGoogle Cloud StorageDatastreamer Product Sentiment DetectionSocialgist TumblrVetric InstagramData365 Facebook dataPubsubOpen Measures PoalBright Data LinkedIn Company ProfilesTwingly ReviewsDatastreamer AI Brand Recognition ClassifierVital4 Adverse MediaDatastreamer Historical Volume AggregationSocialgist BlogsBright Data Amazon ProductsDatastreamer Keyword-based SearchVital4 Watchlist and Sanction ListingsVital4 Criminal Record DataAzure Blob StorageDatastreamer User Sentiment ClassifierOpen Measures RumbleBright Data Booking.comDatastreamer Searchable StorageOpen Measures GabDatastreamer Dialect Detection ModelOpen Measures FediverseDatastreamer ESG ClassifierBright Data Etsy ProductsSocialgist TencentWeb Traffic Data (abusive domain)Bright Data AirBnBDatastreamer Product Detection ClassifierBright Data Google Shopping ProductsDarkOwl Search APIBright Data CNN NewsCohere SentimentGoogle Cloud Run FunctionsVetric FacebookBright Data ZoominfoAmazon ProductsDatastreamer Cultural Reference Recognition ModelOpen Measures MeWeWebSightLine File FetcherDatabricksGoogle Cloud StorageTwingly NewsGemini TranslateSocialgist TikTokBright Data VimeoNimble scrapingX (Twitter) Enterprise APIOpen Measures LBRY/OdyseeBright Data Google PlayData365 X(Twitter)Bright Data RedditBigQueryOpen Measures VKBright Data LinkedInOpen Measures BitChuteFivetran ETLBright Data TargetGoogle Language DetectionDatastreamer Event Detection ClassifierOpen Measures TikTokDatastreamer Sentiment ClassifieralphaMountain URL Category ClassifierAWS S3 StorageDatastreamer Category ClassifierBright Data CrunchbaseDatastreamer Content Similarity ClusteringBright Data Glassdoor Company OverviewsGoogle Pub/Sub EgressWebz ForumsDatastreamer Recurring Data Collection JobsSocialgist QuoraDatastreamer Abusive Language ClassifierBright Data TrustpilotTwingly ForumsBright Data Google SearchOpen Measures RuTubeWebz News LiteSocialgist BoardsThe Social Proxy Financial Market DatasetsData365 InstagramWebz ReviewsDarkOwl Entity APIDatastreamer Violence ClassifierTwingly VKWebz Dark WebBright Data eBay ListingsOpen Measures Truth SocialSocialgist Broadcast NewsOpen Measures TelegramThe Social Proxy SERP DatasetsSnowflake Data WarehouseBright Data Shein ProductsWebhookBright Data G2 ReviewsAWS S3 Storage IngressSocialgist VideosBright Data Yahoo FinanceTisane Abusive Content DetectionAzure Storage ScannerBright Data InstagramDarkOwl Ransomware APIBright Data YouTubeWebz NewsData365 TikTokOpen Measures 4chanAWS S3 StorageVetric Amazon ProductsBright Data Indeed Job ListingsVetric TikTokBright Data FacebookDatastreamer Product Name DetectionDatastreamer DeduplicationBright Data YelpBright Data Indeed Company OverviewsAzure Blob StorageBright Data Glassdoor Job ListingsFivetran ETLDatastreamer Searchable StorageOpen Measures ParlerDarkOwl Score APIDatastreamer Language ISO MappingPubsubWebSightLine InstagramWebSightLine ThreadsThe Social Proxy Social Media DatasetsDatastreamer Entity RecognitionChatGPT PromptsBright Data ZillowDatastreamer Stock Ticker ConversionTwingly Blogs
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Accelerate working with web data


Working with web data is resource-intensive, slow, and distracting from your product. Companies using Datastreamer are able to accelerate how they work with web data, by using Pipelines to power their workflows.

Pipelines created in the Datastreamer platform simplify how you work with web data, making it faster to ingest, enrich, and deliver insights. Remove complexity from your web data workflows, reduce distractions from your products, and scale effortlessly.

About Open Measures Minds

Collect and extract posts, comments and user profiles on Minds.

Experience Seamless Data Integration Yourself

Add Datastreamer components to your data stack and explore its full capabilities

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