Do more with Open Measures VK

Datastreamer lets you connect Open Measures VK with thousands of the most popular capabilities, so you can accelerate working with web data and focus on your product – no code required.

Amazon ProductsBright Data LinkedIn Company ProfilesBright Data eBay ListingsData365 Facebook dataDatastreamer Language ISO MappingBright Data Indeed Company OverviewsDatastreamer Location Inference EnrichmentTwingly VKDatastreamer Product Detection ClassifierCohere SentimentBright Data YelpDatastreamer Sentiment ClassifierOpen Measures Scored (Win Communities)Vital4 Watchlist and Sanction ListingsGoogle Analytics HubBright Data Indeed Job ListingsVetric FacebookGoogle Cloud StorageWebz BlogsOpen Measures RumbleDatastreamer Violence ClassifierWebSightLine InstagramOpen Measures FediverseWebz NewsBright Data YouTubePubsubVetric InstagramDarkOwl Score APIBright Data X(Twitter)ChatGPT PromptsDatastreamer DeduplicationTwingly ReviewsVetric LinkedInOpen Measures RuTubeBigQueryWebz Data BreachesalphaMountain URL Category ClassifierBright Data VimeoWebSightLine ThreadsGoogle GeminiAI PromptsWebSightLine File FetcherWebhookDatastreamer Dominant Location ClassifierFivetran ETLBright Data Github CodeOcient Data WarehouseElasticsearchDatastreamer Product Name DetectionOpen Measures 4chanAzure Blob StorageGoogle Cloud Run FunctionsSocialgist DisqusDatastreamer Cultural Reference Recognition ModelOpen Measures TikTokTwingly BlogsSnowflake Data WarehouseAnyBigData Web ScrapingDatastreamer Intent ClassifierGoogle Pub/Sub EgressData365 TikTokBright Data RedditDatastreamer Emotion Detection ClassifierDarkOwl Ransomware APIThe Social Proxy Sports DatasetsScrapingBee Web ScrapingOpen Measures BlueskyDatastreamer Product Brand DetectionBright Data Web ScrapingPrivateAI PII DetectionZyte Web ScrapingBright Data FacebookSocialgist TikTokElasticsearchBright Data ZoominfoGoogle Language DetectionBright Data LinkedInBright Data Google Shopping ProductsVetric X(Twitter)AWS S3 Storage IngressDatastreamer Event Detection ClassifierDatastreamer Abusive Language ClassifierTwingly DarkwebOpen Measures 8kunVital4 Criminal Record DataWebz News LiteAzure Blob StorageBright Data Google PlayTwingly ForumsTisane Abusive Content DetectionTwingly NewsVetric Amazon ProductsDatastreamer ESG ClassifierWebz ForumsBright Data InstagramVital4 Politically Exposed PersonsBigQueryX (Twitter) Enterprise APINimble scrapingBright Data TikTokFivetran ETLOpen Measures Truth SocialDatastreamer Searchable StorageOpen Measures GettrAzure Storage ScannerDatastreamer Significant Term AggregationBright Data PinterestDatastreamer Product Sentiment DetectionOpen Measures MindsThe Social Proxy Social Media DatasetsBright Data Etsy ProductsWebz Dark WebWebz ReviewsOcient Data WarehouseDarkOwl DarkSonar APIOpen Measures ParlerVetric Meta Ad DetailsDatastreamer Recurring Data Collection JobsData365 InstagramOpen Measures WimkinAWS S3 StorageOpen Measures OdnoklassnikiBright Data TargetBright Data G2 ReviewsDatastreamer Historical Volume AggregationOpen Measures TelegramDatastreamer Slang TranslationDatastreamer Dialect Detection ModelBright Data Google SearchSocialgist NewsOpen Measures GabPrivate AI PII RedactionSocialgist TencentSocialgist BoardsDatastreamer Category ClassifierBright Data Amazon ReviewsAWS S3 StorageGoogle Cloud StorageWebz Web ArchivesBright Data WalmartDarkOwl Search APIChatGPT SummarizationPubsubDarkOwl Entity APIOpen Measures LBRY/OdyseeBright Data Apple App StoreBright Data Yahoo FinanceBright Data CrunchbaseDatastreamer User Sentiment ClassifierThe Social Proxy Financial Market DatasetsDatastreamer Stock Ticker ConversionDatastreamer Entity RecognitionBright Data WikipediaBright Data CNN NewsData365 X(Twitter)Vetric TikTokGoogle TranslateBright Data Booking.comSocialgist QuoraTisane Problematic Content DetectionDatastreamer Content Similarity ClusteringBright Data AirBnBSocialgist WeiboDatastreamer Ingredient Detection ClassifierBright Data Glassdoor Job ListingsDatastreamer AI Brand Recognition ClassifierWebhookBright Data TrustRadiusVital4 Adverse MediaSocialgist ReviewsDNS Records (abusive domains)Datastreamer Spam Detection ClassifierOpen Measures MeWeReddit CommentsBright Data Glassdoor Company OverviewsOpoint NewsalphaMountain URL Threat RatingSocialgist VideosDatastreamer Keyword-based SearchDatabricksDatabricksOpen Measures PoalBright Data Shein ProductsThe Social Proxy SERP DatasetsDatastreamer User Behaviour ClassifierSocialgist TumblrBright Data ZillowDatastreamer Searchable StorageBright Data Amazon ProductsSocialgist Broadcast NewsWeb Traffic Data (abusive domain)The Social Proxy Maps DatasetsGemini TranslateBlueskySocialgist BlogsDatastreamer HTML Document PrunerBright Data TrustpilotOpen Measures BitChute
This capability may have another name, contact [email protected] if you feel it may be missing

Accelerate working with web data


Working with web data is resource-intensive, slow, and distracting from your product. Companies using Datastreamer are able to accelerate how they work with web data, by using Pipelines to power their workflows.

Pipelines created in the Datastreamer platform simplify how you work with web data, making it faster to ingest, enrich, and deliver insights. Remove complexity from your web data workflows, reduce distractions from your products, and scale effortlessly.

About Open Measures VK

A targeted VK crawling product focused on collecting all of the posts, comments, images and videos posted on the maintained seed list.

Experience Seamless Data Integration Yourself

Add Datastreamer components to your data stack and explore its full capabilities

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