Detecting Entities
Detecting, identifying, and redacting entities are a core part of structuring web data into insights. This kit provides the basic capabilities needed for entity detection.
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Detecting Sentiment
Detecting sentiment is a core requirement for understanding user-generated data and guiding to insights.
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Exploring Reviews
Exploring reviews is a key use in generating insights from web data. This kit provides the basic capabilities needed for leveraging online reviews.
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Integrating Social
Integrating Social Media is a critical part of many platforms using web data. This kit provides the basic capabilities needed for core social source integrations.
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Leveraging Dark Web
Dark Web data refers to information that is traded, shared, or sold on the dark web, a hidden part of the internet accessible only through specialized tools like Tor. This data often includes stolen credentials, personal identification information, or financial details. Dark Web data sources offer insights into cyber threats and unauthorized data exposure. This kit provides the basic capabilities needed for starting to leverage dark web data.
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Multilingual Support
Leveraging the web data means supporting over 200+ languages. This kit provides the basic capabilities needed for handling multilingual content.
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Social Listening Basics
Outgrown a social listening platform? This kit provides the basic capabilities needed for building your own social listening solution.
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Threat Intel Basics
This kit provides the basic capabilities needed for threat intelligence platforms.
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Using unique data
Pre-sourced, alternate formats, files, unstructured, and more are all supported by Pipelines within Datastreamer. This kit provides the basic capabilities often used with unique data sets.
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