Tag - Coming Soon

Connect Review Sites Data to Snowflake

Our pre-built pipelines pull, transform, and move externally collected Reviews into Snowflake in a structured format. Integrate reviews data from hundreds of sites collected by our partners.

Pre-Built Pipelines for Unstructured Data into Snowflake

Fetch and funnel unstructured data directly into your favorite tools. Our platform replaces the need to maintain disparate API connectors, event hubs, and transformations (e.g. Python scripts) for effortless data streams.
unstructured data - pipeline - connector - snowflake - databricks - bigquery - graphic

Move External Review Sites Data into Snowflake

Seamlessly incorporate external data of varying formats into your internal systems – without the hassle of creating data scrapers or pipelines from scratch. Transfer data into storage, analytics environments, or custom AI models.
Select External Data Sources Datastreamer - Graphic

Select Data Sources

Select from our partner network of data providers, ingestion connectors, or bring your own data sources.


Unify Data Structure

Incoming data is automatically transformed into a schema that matches your requirements. 


Filter & Enrich Data

Instantly deploy “operations” to enhance data value, including Queries and NLP & LLM enrichments.


Manage Data Flows

Run enterprise-grade pipelines with advanced workflow orchestration and monitoring/debugging capabilities.

Build This Pipeline (10x Faster Than DIY)

We give you the building blocks & the glue

Traditional ETL & pipeline tools don’t support unstructured data, so engineers have historically relied on DIY pipelines built in-house. Datastreamer helps engineering teams construct these robust pipelines in minutes, instead of months.

Per pipeline, our customers typically save:

3 to 6+ Weeks

720+ Engineering Hours

Free Platform Credits + Personalized Support

Set up & test this pipeline using live data, with guidance from our technical experts.

Deploy Real-time Review Sites Data Flows into Snowflake

Low-code API

Craft simple API queries that replace in-house pipeline infrastructure that takes weeks away from your roadmap.

Performance Optimized

Our managed infrastructure is optimized for cost-efficiency and requires minimal maintenance from your team.

AI & ML Enrichment

Deploy NLP & LLM enrichments or push data to your own AI models in a standardized machine-readable format.

Pipeline Management

Manage advanced workflows and monitoring/debugging to keep data flowing continuously to your destination.

1 Implementation, 50+ Unstructured Data Integrations
